Meet the Latina behind the first LGBTQ gym in the country

Nathalie Huerta’s idea to open up a gym in Oakland, California, seemed far-fetched, considering two huge factors: She didn’t have a business plan and she wanted to cater specifically to the LGBTQ community. Five years later, the MBA grad says she wouldn’t have done it any other way because she didn’t just successfully start a small business, but she has built a tight-knit community in the process.


Voices: How Standing Rock Sparked the Search for My Indigenous Roots

I've always seen myself as a proud Latina. Now I'm proud to say I'm also a proud indigenous Peruvian woman.

Here's how it happened. After seeing all that was taking place as Native Americans mobilized to protect their water at Standing Rock, I was anxiety-ridden and felt compelled to do something. In what felt like fate, my friend and business partner also wanted to go.


From farm to UCLA, Mexican-American grad pays tribute to parents in the fields

During Eunice Gonzalez’s sophomore year at UCLA, it dawned on her that her immigrant parents drove her to be the first in their family to graduate college. Fast forward to graduation day this past May, and she decided to pay tribute to her mom and dad by taking portraits with them in the fields where they tirelessly picked strawberries for over 20 years.

“At first when I told my parents about the photo shoot they were a bit unsure and confused about it, but I needed them to know this wasn’t my graduation, it was ours,” Gonzalez said.


Mexican-American boy's national anthem sparks racist comments

An 11-year-old boy's rendition of the national anthem at Game 3 of the NBA finals brought the usual appreciative applause Tuesday, but outside AT&T Center in San Antonio, his performance brought a darker reaction from some posters on social media -- and eventually an online backlash against their racist comments.


How children of immigrants reach their american dreams

All those hours spent watching our parents work so hard for so long can not be in vain.

I can’t remember the exact moment I decided that the sacrifices my mother made when she left her native Peru for the U.S. meant that I had to work really hard. I grew up in a predominantly Latino neighborhood surrounded by second generation Hispanics who were all well aware of what our parents had overcome to give us a shot at a better life. Why did I do so well when so many of my classmates from the same background and schools did not?